Like anything in life, the more prepared you are, the better. Did you know the average individual wastes over 180 hours a year on disorganization? The 180 hours is spent looking for misplaced items. When it comes to storing your items, not only does organization help you better find your items, but it saves you money as well. Here are some tips for neatly organizing your storage unit:
- Labeling – Labeling is very important. There is nothing worse than having to go through a pile of boxes, taking out everything, just to find that one tiny thing you need. Furthermore, if you label your boxes, it takes less time out of your day to find the item.
- Correctly storing your boxes – When it comes to correctly storing your boxes, you should always place larger boxes on the bottom and smaller boxes on top. Make use of your storage space and neatly organize your boxes.
- Prioritize your storage unit – If you know you are not going to need those Christmas decorations for another year, place the box labeled “Christmas Decorations” towards the back or perhaps under all of the other boxes. Place more important necessary items in front or on top of the other boxes, that way you have easier access to them and once again, don’t need to spend countless hours searching through boxes
Lastly, making sure you choose the right unit size is important. Mountain Storage has several options and you can reserve your unit online! Check out our handy storage estimator or use our storage calculator to determine which size unit best fits your needs!